“Going Deep” in Math

Encouraging our children to “go deep” in math can increase motivation, help them learn how to think and reason, and yes, even make math fun!  Many incorrectly believe that being good at mathematics means being fast at mathematics.  Supporting our children to think slowly and deeply about complex problems,  builds skills important to mathematical competence.  We… Read More

The Trouble with Snap Judgements

What is the opposite of a friend? Is it a stranger, is it an enemy, or is it something else?  Enemy Pie is a touching story with the message that bullying is not okay, and that it is possible to become friends with anyone if you are willing to try. It is a priceless lesson about… Read More

Does It Matter Who Gets to Go First?

Part of becoming a resilient mathematician is learning to recognize what it feels like to be stuck, and what strategies can be useful in getting yourself unstuck.  I encourage strategy games that are low threshold high ceiling tasks where all children can easily access the game at its basic level and play ‘randomly’.  The high ceiling… Read More


Colorful and easy to use, Lego bricks have withstood the test of time because of their unlimited open-ended possibilities.  Legos provide experiences for children to think in three dimensions, strengthen problem solving and support creativity no matter their age.  The value of open-ended play offered by these humble bricks is not simply an enjoyable experience, engaging… Read More


Strategy games offer children opportunities to think mathematically, rather than produce specific mathematical results.   We know children learn through different modalities. Play experiences and games help them to relax long enough to understand, figure out the strategy and  respond to the challenge. Children gain and win at times when they might not otherwise feel they can… Read More

“Mathematics………The Poetry of Logical Ideas” Einstein

“Mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.” Albert Einstein   Since we all want to help our children learn math, it is often tempting to say, “The way you solved that problem was great, but now let me show you a faster way.”  The most important thing to remember when engaging your children… Read More


Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that help us understand the world around us.   And, although the language of mathematics is based on rules that must be learned, it is important  that children be encouraged to move beyond memorizing basic algorithms.  In order to support opportunities for critical thinking about mathematics, our problem solving focus has made a… Read More


TRIANGLES Rising above all the other triangles is a special type of triangle…the equilateral triangle! What are its super powers?  Let’s look at its name. Equi means equal. Lateral means sides. So, an equilateral triangle has three equal sides and three equal angles, therefore, it can do what no other triangle can. Equilateral Triangles aren’t just mathematically significant, they are… Read More


“The Sneetches” is a wonderful story and a perfect example that really pin-points how ridiculous discrimination really is. This book is about discrimination based not on religion or race, but on  belly stars. *********************************************************************   The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss is an excellent book for discussing issues of discrimination based not on religion or race, but on… Read More


Too often we give children the answers to remember rather the problems to solve. No matter the ages of your children, mathematical concepts can be shared and explored.   Most of the math activities, puzzles, games that I share, intentionally do not fit into a grade-level pigeonholes.  Experience math concepts through play. *************** Matchstick Puzzle There are… Read More