
“The Sneetches” is a wonderful story and a perfect example that really pin-points how ridiculous discrimination really is. This book is about discrimination based not on religion or race, but on  belly stars.



The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss is an excellent book for discussing issues of discrimination based not on religion or race, but on belly stars.  The stars are a perfect way to relate the lesson to children.  When the Star-Bellied Sneetches and the Plain-Bellied Sneetches treat one another disrespectfully because of simple stars on their bellies, we are forced to question the absurdity of such prejudice. Though most people would agree that discriminating based on stars on a creature’s belly is silly, we can come to a better understanding of the nature of prejudice and discrimination.  Is there an essential difference between them, or are they ultimately they same?


The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss


Family Discussion

After the Plain-Bellied Sneetches go through the machine the first time and come out with stars, the Star-Bellied Sneetches say, “We’re still the best Sneetches and they are the worst.”

  1. What makes the Star-Bellied Sneetches think that there is still something different about the Plain-Bellied Sneetches, since they now have stars on their bellies?

  2. If there was something that made the Sneetches different, other than their appearance, would it be okay for them to treat each other differently? Are there any qualities that would make that okay?


By Zoe Miller and David Goodman

There are face all around us, everywhere we look. On every page of this inspiring and imaginative book, children will encounter unusual and creative ways of making faces, using printing, collage, geometric shapes, and sculpture. Surprising details are revealed by lifting flaps, looking through holes, or turning the book upside down. Besides being entertaining and engaging, Faces brings everyday objects to life to inspire that artist within!



Zoe Miller and David Goodman are millergoodman – a design duo from Brighton, England that specializes in products for children. They make kids books for the Tate Gallery and are also the creators of award-winning wooden toys, PlayShapes. They created these little sculptures  from salvaged materials combining and old toy parts.



Your work can be paper collage, a drawing, an assemblage of discarded materials or how about Legos?

Here are 2 from our Mat Man set, toy pieces, kitchen items, paper clips and a bit of black paper.  🙂