This is an enduring story about our boundless love for our children, life’s endless opportunities, and all we need to build a “together future”. The special relationship the father and daughter share promises a beautiful future together. A gorgeously told father-daughter story.
A heartfelt hug of a book……
WHAT WE’LL BUILD: Plans for Our Future

Oliver Jeffers – Author
What shall we build, you and I?
I’ll build your future and you’ll build mine.
We’ll build a watch to keep our time.
A father and daughter set about laying the foundations for their life together. Using their own special tools, they get to work, building memories to cherish, a home to keep them safe and love to keep them warm. Some things they build are symbolic, such as a shelter to store what they value (including some “love” they set aside) and futures they build for each other, depicted as a series of items in blue and pink waves that spring from a wristwatch. Others are more concrete, like the fortress they build to repel “enemies,” whom they later invite in for tea and apologies.
Oliver Jeffers has dedicated his book to his two-year-old daughter, Mari. His story explores “the strength of the invisible bonds of any loving relationship through thick and thin. It is all about the pure potential of what will come, both good and bad, and how, ultimately, people need each other. Even if that is just for someone to listen to all your plans.”
My favorite lines from the book are:
A place to stay when all is lost, to keep the things we love the most.
We’ll put these favorite things beside, the earlier love we set aside.
I think that we may want them later
When times are hard and needs are greater.
I loved listening to Oliver Jeffers read “What We’ll Build” to his son and daughter….
Oliver Jeffers talks about his new book.
As parents, there are many simple things we can do to build memories and enhance special time with our children. When schedules are jammed with activities, it’s easy to lose sight of life’s little pleasures. But if you take the time to notice those pleasures, dwell on them and bring them into focus, you’ll find that you’ve already taken a huge step in the direction of cementing meaningful, lifelong relationships with your children.
Personally, my best memories of my dad are when we spent time alone……talking, hiking, fishing and cooking. My dad was an amazing cook
Try to schedule one-on-one time with each of your children and consider these “dates” as important as any other commitment on your calendar.
If you’re running errands, take one of your kids along and talk about what he or she finds interesting.
Some of your best conversations just might be when you are taking a ride together.