This sweet rhyming book about the ups and downs of friendship is perfect for our youngest children who may be negotiating new friendships at school or nursery, or ongoing sibling relationships that definitely have high and low points. A story about friends’ unwavering loyalty is always welcome, and our children will appreciate the sticking-like-glue pairing of these seemingly vastly different pals.
Wherever you’re going, I’m going too.
Whatever you’re doing, I’m sticking with you.

Smriti Halls – Author
Steve Small – Illustrator
Real friends hang together no matter what.
Bear and Squirrel are thick as thieves, tight as a drum. Despite superficial differences, such as height, weight, and girth, and the fact that these differences wreak havoc on Squirrel’s belongings—not to mention launching Squirrel skyward while the pair are on a seesaw—Bear swears to follow Squirrel everywhere and to do everything together.
That is, until Squirrel decides it’s time for the pair to split up; Squirrel needs to be alone. Being a good friend, Bear reluctantly agrees and departs. Without Bear, it’s so much easier for Squirrel to keep everything in its right place, without it being sneezed on, sat on or generally destroyed. Yet, when Squirrel is reminded of their lovely tea parties, she starts to miss Bear. It’s just not the same when they’re not together.
Squirrel hurriedly rushes back to beg Bear to reconsider their relationship; all their differences can be resolved. “We’re joined at the heart,” says Squirrel, “AND I LOVE YOU A LOT!”
Smriti Halls…
Suggestions for a family discussion…
Who are your best friends? What do you like about them? What do you think they like about you?
Has anyone ever hurt your feelings? Were you able to forgive them?
Have you ever hurt a friend’s feelings? Were you able to apologize? What do you think a good apology sounds like?
“Sometimes you need to give your friends some space and that is ok too. You appreciate each other more.” – Nikki, Age 5