
What makes an individual that person? Are we the sum of our parts? If you lose a piece of yourself, are you still you? What is the relationship between our bodies and who we are?

This book is about community, tolerance and ingenuity. It is as timeless, as are the problems it addresses.


Leo Lionni’s  “Pezzettino” is the story of the small Pezzettino (which means “little piece” in Italian), who is a small orange square surrounded by other beings who are all made up of many different-colored squares. Pezzettino observes that everyone around him is “big and [does] daring and wonderful things.” He concludes that he must be a little piece of someone else, and he sets out to discover whose little piece he is. He talks with many other creatures, asking if he is their little piece, and all of them respond that they couldn’t be themselves if they had a piece missing.

How Pezzettino learns that he belongs to no one but himself is the joyous and satisfying conclusion to this beautiful mosaic style picture book.



Little Pezzettino is so small that he is convinced he must be a part of somebody else until a wise man helps him find the truth.



  • Create a creature with 8 squares using 2 colors.

  • Create a creature with 16 squares using 4 colors.

  • Create a creature with 24 squares using 4 colors.



  • Cut paper into squares

  • Sort by color 

  • Glue sticks for everyone!