
Every Little Letter shows how even the smallest among us can make a big impact, and how a single act of friendship can inspire whole communities to come together. “How do you tear down walls? With words, at first. Then brick by brick.”  Unity and division are themes rich for exploration in this story of alphabet letters separated by fear and complacency.


A story of words, walls and widening our world…

every little letter

Deborah Underwood – Author
Joy Hwang-Ruiz – Illustrator

This is a fable about embracing differences.   Author, Deborah Underwood, imagines 26 villages—one representing each letter of the alphabet. The villages are divided by walls, and the letters who live within them prefer it that way: They knew other letters lurked outside. Different letters.”

In a world where all the letters of the alphabet live in separate cities surrounded by walls, little h and small i’s newfound friendship inspires all the divided communities to connect and form such words as courage, cooperate, and kindness.

Small h has always lived with the other H’s in a city surrounded by walls that keep them safe. At least, that’s what the big H’s say. But one day, a hole in the wall reveals someone new on the other side. When little h and little i meet, they make a small word with big meaning: “hi!” The other H’s find out, though. They fill the hole. But it won’t be enough to keep these little letters apart–or twenty-four of their newest friends. Every Little Letter shows how even the smallest among us can make a big impact, and how a single act of friendship can inspire whole communities to come together. How do you tear down walls? With words, at first. Then brick by brick. 


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A note from author Deborah Underwood



 When little h and little i meet, they make a small word with big meaning: “hi!” The other H’s find out, though. They fill the hole. But it won’t be enough to keep these little letters apart–or twenty-four of their newest friends.  In Every Little Letter, the open-hearted young letters, through paper airplane-sent missives, learn the riches of word-making and set about dismantling walls.

So, here is my question to all of you…….
If you were one of the little letters in this story, what message would you write on your paper airplane?  Fold some paper airplanes with your family, write messages and head outside to fly them.

How to fold an easy airplane….




“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future”
 J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring















 “Unity and division are themes rich for exploration in this story of alphabet letters separated by fear and complacency.